Position : Vice-President of SOS Biodiversity
Email : tdonald3@yahoo.fr / donaldtessi@sosbiodiversity.org
Téléphone : +22997696308
Adresse : Cotonou BENIN
Langues parlées : Français, Anglais, Turkish
I am an agricultural engineer in planning and natural resources management and I also hold a Master in Forestry. Throughout my education, the issue of natural resources management in general and biodiversity, in particular, was my focus. My attachment to conservation science is rooted in the key role played by biodiversity like forests resources in the climate change process.
During my graduate studies in agronomy and natural resource management (forestry), I have built a foundation in agronomy, forest ecology, and biodiversity measure by getting some experience through completed coursework, research, participation in relevant training. After, my engineer degree, I worked as a Research Assistant at Laboratory of Forest Sciences (Benin), where I have been involved in many projects about forest inventory and management plan writing, mobilization of biodiversity data to inform decisions makers and help them in making the right choice in the conservation plan.
I participated in many workshops whose topic was related to biodiversity studies. I had the opportunity to travel abroad for some fieldwork and internship in tropical ecology, ecological niche modeling. All those experiences were an excellent opportunity for exchanging ideas, and to learn from a wide variety of persons in the field of conservation science.
Affiliations avec des associations
Tropical Biology Association (TBA) Alumni Network
Forest inventory and ethnobotany study; Species Distribution Modeling (Maxent); Mapping and GIS Software Mastery (QGis…); Agronomy; Management of the project.